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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Oh, You Have Never Seen Anything So Cute! 15 Animals Using Other Animals As Pillows

 Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
This is a good example of what we can learn from our animals friends: see how tender and trustworthy they are cuddling up to a friend.
So much love and sweetness in these cuddly creatures using each other as fluffy pillows. And it is so great to have a friend who can lend a shoulder (or some other, softer, part) when you are in trouble.
See out top 15 cutest pillow animals ever:
More Animals

Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows
Photo: Animals using friends as pillows


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